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+9 votes
in Q2A Core by
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I asked a few questions below - my aim to get http://ask.z0id.com as popular as possible. Its only just been started. I basically just wanted to thank you for such a great script. I will be making some design tweeks here and here and creating a theme or 2 but I will make these free to download :) I hope that is ok?

I also wanted to know where would the best place me in the code... in your opinion to integrate the firestats code for link tracking etc etc?


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Of course you're welcome to theme it! Beta 2 will also come with another (more fun) theme, as an option. Should be released by the end of February.

If you're talking about the Firestats PHP code, the best place is probably inside index.php, which is just a stub. Then if you upgrade to a new version of Question2Answer, be sure not to change that file, and you'll be all set.
asked Feb 8, 2010 in Q2A Core by anonymous When will beta 2 be released?