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in Q2A Core by

1) I make my acc into http://forums.academy.telerik.com with loggin with facebook

2) I use account 6-7 mounts without problems

3)Today I deceded to ask a question when I try to loggin to the forum.
Throw following exception.

you can watch video https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6lnwNWPKB9TWEtjSDhLeG9UbU0/edit 
to see exception



2 Answers

0 votes
Is the site supposed to be in Bulgarian? Seems strange, given the URL.

Anyway, although that site uses the Q2A software, it is unrelated to this site and out of the control of anyone here. You should contact the site owners.
0 votes

Workaround: Use "forgot password", and set a new password for your login over there.

This is a workaround for facebook login failures...
