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+8 votes
in Plugins by
Q2A version: 1.5.1
@DisgruntledGoat The included functionality is only for sending email to each other, right? I'm guessing Shree (and I) would like the possibility to have on-site messaging, with an inbox.
no, there is onsite messaging, but no inbox.
you are right.
I just received a new private message from another user, but I donĀ“t know how to go back to it later.
Now the only solution is to save the url of the message, I think the inbox idea would be great.

1 Answer

+6 votes
I know this is an old post, but I wanted to make sure I made this available to anyone who ran into this problem.

I couldn't find an inbox plugin, so I created a simple one. It's a Widget that shows up on the My Account page. It lists the users you've received PMs from (most recent listed first, oldest last) and gives you the ability to click on the username to get the PM history or to delete all PM history with that user.

Here's the link to the plugin ZIP:


Just unzip and upload the contents to your qa-plugin folder, then go to Layout in the Admin menu and it should be in your "Available Widgets" list. Add the widget and configure it to show on the My Account page (the only place it will show up).

Voila! A simple inbox. :)

What's your site? I'll go register if I can and see if I can pinpoint the issue. It may be version/jquery/configuration related.
Hi Jon,
Thank you very much for your solution, very helpful. The only issue is that the messages are not utf8 coded, therefore French/Arabic messages gets messed up. Any suggestions as to fix it please?
absolutely awesome share, thanks. is there anyway to have the messages on thier own separate page instead of the account page?
link is not working, please update this