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+1 vote
in Plugins by
As you see, using mass mailing brought up some issues.

One left is dead returning emails.

I would like to unsubscribe these users manually but could not find any mass mail option in the user profile page, nor in the qa_users database?

any help appreciated. Where is the unsupscription saved in the database?

2 Answers

+1 vote

The qa_users.flags column contains various flags related to users - you can see the QA_USER_FLAGS_* constants at the top of qa-app-users.php for the bit values. Use bitwise operations in MySQL to bulk add/remove flags.

Okay, I was sending another mass mail, there are returning mails (failure notice...). Now I set the flags like that:

UPDATE `qa_users` SET flags=flags|32 WHERE email="theusermail@gmail.com"

For a user that had flags=1 this changed the value to flags=33.
For another user that had flags=128 this changed the value to flags=160.

Can that (just adding 32) be correct or do I make a mistake in the mysql query?
Maybe we could use the unsubscribe-link that is created when mass mailing, e.g. http://www.gute-mathe-fragen.de/unsubscribe?c=1c2o3d4e&u=theusername

Then 1. find the c-handle at `qa_users` > "emailcode" in the database, and 2. call the link above with username


--> or even use the link that is inside the returning failure URL! (if text is returned as well)
Your MySQL looks right. Your other idea might also work, but I'm not sure what you mean by "the link that is inside the returning failure URL".
If you send a mail, and the recipient does not exists, you either get your mail back (including the body text), or you just get the failure notice.

If you get the body text, there at the end is always the individual unsubscribe link for each user! :)
0 votes

If you send a mail, and the recipient does not exists, you either get your mail back (including the body text), or you just get the failure notice.

If you get the body text, at the end there is always the individual unsubscribe link for each user! Click that to unsubscribe him :)
