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+6 votes
in Q2A Core by
I was working on a project when I found the Question2Answer platform. The platform wasn't exactly what I was looking for but, I found it to be better. Over the last several months the project as evolved with new ideas that will fit the niche that I am working on. There as been some issues that I think could be improved. I believe I also have an solution to those issues.

When it comes to plugins and themes Q2A provides a list for each. However, not all plugins work as expected. Some plugins feel as if the original developer abandoned the plugin leaving the community with broken pieces. I am sure like many I have spent hours testing plugins to find that they do not work. I have also went through multiple themes to see if they work or if they look appealing.

I also thought there has to be a better way for this information to presented and it would be nice to have demos on themes and plugins. It would be also informative which plugin currently works and which one's do not.

After contacting someone at Question2answer.org first, I am now sharing my solution with you. Hoping I will receive positive feedback.

I plan to launch a site called Q2A Discover, the site will have all the plugins and themes that were ever made for the platform listed. Not only will it give basic information such as who created the plugin, features, etc..., it will provide any known issues that the plugin has. From the plugin page you will have a link to download form GitHub. Provide demos when available. However, some paid themes and plugins will not have a demo right away. If there is a demo available by the theme or plugin creator then that link will be provided. However, many links within the Q2A community are mostly broken when it comes to demos.

I would like to showcase current and existing websites that are using the Q2A platform. The list will not include just the top websites like on the main site of Q2A.

I believe in doing this new and existing community members can spend less time searching for usable plugins and themes. If you would like to submit your website for listing please email me at showcase@q2adiscover.com.

I would like to mention that the site isn't finished and I am still working on compiling the information and fixing website issues. This project is a weekend project so, it may take me some time to get all the information together.

Please let me know what you think.

3 Answers

+2 votes

It's always nice to see help in trying to improve the Community! It keeps the Q2A flame alive.

I was just commenting on something similar in your other question.

I've provided a solution for the Q2A Docs, that's waiting to be merged, to address the part of showing what Plugins and Themes are up-to-date, by adding date badges.

@GateOverflow is also marinating on something similar as you're describing here. So I think it's best for you all to join forces and build something together.
That way it will be easier to maintain, with more people involved, and all the information will be indexed in a single place. So it's easier to link if someone asks about plugin X, or wants to test plugin Z, and information is not scattered around different places.

@ProThoughts also has a list of plugins in their GitHub profile, listed as repositories, that have been created (somewhat) since the beginning or Q2A, some no longer active, some deleted.

0 votes
I wish you successful work. It's great to see initiatives like this trying to revive the Q&A script.
0 votes
I am happy that there are still people who support Q2Answer and help to ensure that the system continues to work in the future. I also think it is a shame that many plugins are no longer being developed and therefore unfortunately no longer work.