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+1 vote
in Plugins by
When creating topic post, allow a user to create a custom tag, then let other users upvote these tags. The number next to the tag represents the count of upvotes (allowing both positive and negative numbers).

Is there a plugin that does this?
I doubt such a plugin exists. And what would be the use anyway? Tags are for labeling questions to aid searching for content. What good would voting on user-created tags do?
Just for users to agree or disagree with topic tags, advising users not to use meaningless tags
Just use the Tagging Tools plugin and enable the "prevent new users from creating new tags" option.
I don't like the lazy way of preventing users from creating new tags, otherwise the classification will be rigid.
Feel free to write a plugin for it. Q2A is open source after all. Personally I don't think deciding on tags by popular vote will be particularly helpful to anyone, though.

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