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Why q2a does not add non-English characters to the URL?

For example, this is my question's title : به-هم-ریختگی-فونت-متن-در-فایل-pdf

then the URL instead of being like this: http://javabyab.com/7429/به-هم-ریختگی-فونت-متن-در-فایل-pdf?show=7562

It turns (redirects) to this: https://javabyab.com/7429/pdf?show=7522

The interesting thing to note is that inside xml site map that we introduce to the search console I see about 3 different URLs for this page in the search console and the search console gives some warnings about canonical tags or warnings about redirection.

I have a lot of warnings like this in my Google search console!

is there any way to fix all these warnings?

also if q2a adds non-English characters to the URL, it will be helpful a lot for our site SEO.

Q2A version: latest

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