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+4 votes
in Plugins by
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 Previously it was using Firebase Cloud Messaging Legacy Api, as per google FCM legacy api will be disconnected from July 2024, so I updated the plugin with FCM api v1. Now it's more secure. If you already bought the plugin then message me to get updated file and setup process.

Price: $39/$20, contact me to buy the plugin Email or Telegram or WhatsApp

Push Notifications plugin can replace Email notification and on site notifications completely. It sends updates directly to user's device. You just need to place your Firebase Config and upload firebase service account json file from plugin settings.


  • Enable FCM v1 API at Firebase Console>>Project Settings>>Cloud Messaging>>Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1)>>
  • You can find the config at Firebase Console>>Project Settings>>General>>Config>> 
  • And find service account json file at Firebase Console>>Project Settings>>Service Account>>Generate new private key>>

Available Notifications:

  • Answer notification
  • Answer select notification
  • Comment notification
  • Private message notification
  • Wall post notification

2 Answers

+1 vote
There is demo for this plugin?
Go to this demo then create an account and then ask a demo question and answer a question by sakhawat.

+1 vote
edited by

Previously it was using Firebase Cloud Messaging Legacy Api, as per google FCM legacy api will be disconnected from July 2024, so I updated the plugin with FCM api v1. Now it's more secure. If you already bought the plugin then message me to get updated file and setup process.

Price: $39/$20contact me to buy the plugin Email or Telegram or WhatsApp
