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in Q2A Core by
Over the years I have seen some really amazing Q2A sites close down and disappear completely, so I thought of starting this thread so that if anyone wants to sell their site they can connect with potential buyers. Hope there is appetite for such.
Which amazing Q2A site closed down?
An example is  http://www.gute-mathe-fragen.de/ , it was Germany's biggest math site, it ran purely on q2a . Now I see it has been resuscitated as a wordpress site. You can see from Web Archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.gute-mathe-fragen.de/*
That's a change of framework or the original contents were lost?

It's hard to value a Q2A site because most of the public questions are not well framed and unless we have a very dedicated site for a topic (then community size become small), Google search wint rate it high. Our site for example is dedicated to GATE examination and Google search performs well if one searches the actual question text but nothing if search is outside of this. We use this site for sharing our content with the needed users. Google ads pays for our site expenses- but can't even help us employ someone part time for content management or moderation. For this we rely on other services like exam subscription.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your wisdom, I like your exam subscription monetization model.
You are welcome. My point is that rather than contents value of a Q2A site is in the community it serves.

1 Answer

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Is there a good example of a Q2A site that has become defunct?