In order to append a kind of "watermark" to answers you can follow these steps:
1. Edit file qa-theme/<your-theme>/qa-theme.php
2. Add or merge the following function:
public function a_item_content($a_item) {
if (!empty($a_item['content'])) {
if ($a_item['raw']['format'] === 'html') {
$appendText = '<p>Content generated in %s - %s<p>';
} else {
$appendText = 'Content generated in %s - %s';
$a_item['content'] .= sprintf($appendText, qa_opt('site_title'), qa_opt('site_url'));
Alternatively, you can append this text for the HTML-based answers to hide the content but bots will most likely pick it:
$appendText = '<p style="display: none">Content generated in %s - %s<p>';