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+17 votes
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Okay, so using the Q2A voting system for polls turns out to be not the ideal solution... what happens is the person who posted the poll gets lots of points for all the people voting on their answers :)  So, here's the sort of poll plugin people were asking for, I think.  No promises, but it seems to work as expected, and is fully CSS configurable.  Here it is with some basic css and custom images for the vote buttons:

Of course, almost anything is possible with css; If someone has an idea for default css, suggestions are welcome.  So, what do you think?

Oh, and the source is at the same place, on github:


Stupendous ! (joking :))

Nice ! that's how i was imagine poll plugin. Later, when i try plugin i will report more.
Notice: Undefined index: content in /x/x/x/x/qa-include/qa-app-format.php(1264) : eval()'d code on line 54

Can i get rid off this notice ? :)
It seems that we cannot edit the poll (when I click "Edit the question" I can edit only the question, not the poll, but when I "Ask the question" I can also create the poll)?
Dear, I am using your plugin on one of my site... but there's a problem

When registered user asked a question & add a poll in question, but when i approve the questions there's no poll.

but when i created a poll from my admin or super admin it works.

i setting permissions for create polls to registered user.

please help me out.


16 Answers

+1 vote
Notice: Use of undefined constant QA_HTML_THEME_LAYER_URLTOROOT - assumed 'QA_HTML_THEME_LAYER_URLTOROOT' in /home/surakz5/public_html/rus/qa-plugin/q2a-poll/qa-poll-admin.php on line 250
okay, should be fixed now.
+2 votes

User no login! Ask page.


should be fixed, sorry I didn't reply sooner.
+1 vote
Question2Answer query failed:

SELECT BINARY content as content, votes, id FROM qa_polls WHERE parentid=24

Error 1146: Table '*******.qa_polls' doesn't exist
You'll have to disable, save then enable and save the poll plugin in admin/plugins.  That will create the table.
0 votes
How i can edit poll?
the only way to edit polls right now is via the database.
Is it really fair to allow changing of poll answers after people have already voted?
You misunderstood me! If the user asks a question and makes a birdie on a poll and then leave it blank is the inscription (# # # no choices found for poll!) And at the end of the issue would not be an inscription POLL! Many users do not understand how to take advantage on the issue and furnish the bird.

Sorry, I translated via Google transliteration because I understand very little of english!
Ah, so you want it to be idiot-proof ;)

Okay, I've added a check to make sure they add choices... I think that's what you're on about.
0 votes

not working properly. screenshot attached.

It works, thanks
To summarize it up, I've changed the line 156

from :

else if($this->template == 'question' && @$this->poll && !qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_q')) {

to :

else if($this->template == 'question' && @$this->poll) {

I've corrected a typo in your statement :
@this ---> @$this
have a look at the bug on the unvote too...
There is a fix here :
Cool.. Thanks a lot! :) :)

Cheers mate! :)
0 votes

Nice and very usefull plugin, but how i can disable /polls pages becouse it just show all questions instead of polls (may posibly be becouse of my Q2A core modification). Also i think it's better place for tag [poll] to be after question title, not before it.

However this plugin is very usefull and would be nice to see more features like points earning for voting... (?) or something... if plugin is still supported.

I'm really appreciated and thankfull to NoahY for all plugins he made. Thanks !

the polls pages should not be enabled by default.  admin/pages should let you edit/delete the link.

the [poll] tag does come after the title; maybe some core modification of yours interferes with this.

thanks for the appreciation; always nice to have positive feedback :)
0 votes


When I create a poll, then this marks "> shows up in one or two vote button. Somethme it shows first / last / middle vote button. And these button become uncleckable. But if i select other vote button such as 'NGOs' then this marks "> go away and all vote buttons become clickable.

And I don't understand from where Fully Bangladeshi comes out. Is it autometically comes from Facebook user profile?


Any solution?
If you send me the link to that page, I can take a look, but this doesn't happen for me.
I have the same problem occurs when I make a poll with 4 or more response options, if options 2 and 3 (">) this was never noticed. resource is the local network to show it on the Internet can not! (no mirror)
As I said, I need a link to the page to figure out what's wrong... the screenshots don't say much.  Send your source code if you can't send a link.
edited by

In internet explorer and crome it also shows all options as voted.
I think you're using an old version of the plugin... it's all messed up anyway, but on my own site, it's not messed up.  Can you try updating the code?

And I can't find any problem with the "> showing up.

As for the "Fully Bangladeshi", that's the user's signature.
Thanks for your continuous support.

I have updated the recent version today. But still having "> problem with a new error "Undefined variable: full in ........ /NoahY-q2a-poll-965d59b/qa-poll-page.php on line 82'' showing both in internet explorer 8 and firefox.  I am uploading the screenshots soon.

I am agree with powerUser. If options 2 or 3 then "> not shows. If more than 3 options then it shows.
0 votes

01. Problem in these Vote Button appears only in internet explore.

02. This "Notice: Undefined variable: full in  ........ qa-poll-page.php on line 82" appears in all browsers when vewing Poll. 

Problem in Vote Button appears only in internet explorer (i am using IE8)


03. "> sign still shows in crome and firefox if options are more than three.

Thank u so much. "> problem now solved.

Do u know why this error message appearing at top header of Tags, Users, Badges and Ask Question pages

Notice: Undefined index: error in /home/.............../qa-include/qa-app-format.php(1265) : eval()'d code on line 8
From the merge plugin... again, it's not an error message, it's a notice.  It's showing up because you have "display_errors" set to on, which is a security vulnerability.  If you want to see errors (and notices like this) on a production site, use a log file.

If you update the merge plugin, this should go away.
Thanks. It works.
Actually I don't know how to set "display_errors" set off.
I tried the poll on my bunch of friends, asking them 3 questions.
No one responded because they had to log in...

Maybe it would be possible to give option switch between remembering IP (anonymous enabled) and username (only logged in)?
0 votes

I leave such errors in version 1.5 beta

Notice: Undefined index: main_form_tags in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php(1452) : eval()'d code on line 57



Notice: Undefined index: updatetype in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php on line 471

Notice: Undefined index: updatetype in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php on line 480

Notice: Undefined index: updatetype in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php on line 471

Notice: Undefined index: updatetype in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php on line 474

Notice: Undefined index: updatetype in /home/surakz5/public_html/qa-include/qa-app-format.php on line 480

0 votes
Hi all and NoahY,

I love all your stuff, but I've got a problem with poll plug. I've been trying to translate
this two:

"You must enter at least two choices for the poll."
"you are not allowed to vote"

in admin panel (the changes not saving) and qa-poll-admin.php (after rewiriting, still the default english language appears)

In the admin panel I don't mind, but in the frontend popup screen more important.

So where, can I can exchange these two lines?


Thanks in advance
try the latest version of the plugin; it uses a language file that you can edit.
0 votes

One more thing,

I reduced, the admin "Minimum length of answer:  to 0" because I don't whant to force the user when answering, write something for vote, just vote freely....

But with this I got:
/qa-include/qa-theme-base.php on line 1844 ($a_item['content'],)
probably because the content is empty(?)

So how is it possible avoid this message, or using just for voting by self with other approach?



I don't see how this is related to the poll plugin...
0 votes
I am admin of my q2a site but i can't edit polls that other users make. why?
You can edit them by changing the text in the database. I guess you would have the logins for it as u are the admin.

You can view the text at the qa_polls table under the content column.
