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+8 votes
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I have lost password of the admin account and am unable to change it through my email.

Changing password through database would take time and I want to urgently enable few plugins

Is there any possible way to enable plugins through the database or the code?
Resetting the admin password doesn't take any more time than it would take to do what you're asking, so I suggest you fix the actual issue instead of trying to work around it.

See https://www.question2answer.org/qa/30100#a30101

1 Answer

+2 votes
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Best answer

Even though I strongly agree with the resetting password suggestion, this is how you can enable plugins directly through the database:

1. Connect to your database server and select your Q2A database

2. Edit the following SQL statement by replacing qa_ with the appropriate table prefix you use and the correct plugins you want to enable

UPDATE `qa_options` 
SET `content` = CONCAT_WS(";", `content`, "plugin-directory-1", "plugin-directory-2")
WHERE `title` = 'enabled_plugins';

Just to clarify: this SQL statement will enable plugins located in directories qa-plugin/plugin-directory-1 and qa-plugin/plugin-directory-2

3. Execute the SQL to enable the plugins

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