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+3 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Google says : 

Paste it into the HTML of your website, between the <head> and </head> tags . 

But I don't find any html code in Q2A files .  All I can see is PHP code . So can somebody tell me where should I insert the code given by google(in which file, on which line number) so that I can get my ad Sense account created and verified. 

I have no knowledge of PHP . 

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Ok, I found an answer . You need to get the simple ad manager plugin (download its zip file and put it into qa-plugin folder{for more instructions , visit :https://github.com/ProThoughts/q2a-simple-ads-manager }.

After that go to your website, click on admin settings ,  go to plugin ,  then , find simple ad manager , you will find many options, paste your google ad-sense code in them , and save. You are done.
0 votes
somebody please help