I'm struggling to find solutions to fix MathJax confluct with pagedown mardown editor plugin:
Underscores "_" should stay underscores when between math deliminators ($ $ or \(\}, etc) and not get converted to <em> and </em> tags
Look, I've got no real understanding of how this works, but trying to fix it myself led me to look at the function
in Markdown.Converter.js
Look, again, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I edited
text = text.replace(/([\W_]|^)(\*|_)(?=\S)([^\r\*_]*?\S)\2([\W_]|$)/g, "$1<em>$3</em>$4");
text = text.replace(/([\W_]|^)(\*|_)(?=\S)([^\r\*_]*?\S)\2([\W_]|$)/g, "$1_$3_$4");
with the pathetic hope it would do what I want ("Replace "_" with "_", not "<em>")
Not surprisingly, it didn't do what I wanted, but more surprisingly this edit didn't seem to DO ANYTHING.
Do you know
a) Is there any easy solution to force the Markdown editor to NOT replace "_" with "<em>" ?
b) Why my edit to _DoItalicsAndBold did nothing?