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in Q2A Core by

On the register page, the recaptcha is functioning well but once I click the submit button, the message will occur "Please complete the anti-spam verification", although I tried to tick the Anti-spam verification many times.

Q2A version: Q2A Core

2 Answers

0 votes
Are you using the built-in recaptcha plugin? If so you need to set up your site at google.com/recaptcha using v2 checkbox. Then copy the site key and private key to the options in Admin > Plugins > reCAPTCHA.

If it still doesn’t work try using a default theme in case it’s not outputting the correct HTML for the captcha.
0 votes

I was having the same problem, wasted too much time finding a solution, and the solution is so simple: Change your PHP version in Cpanel to 7.4 and it will work. (mine was 7.2 before)

I just posted about this here: https://www.question2answer.org/qa/83593/recaptcha-fix-please-complete-the-anti-spam-verification
