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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

First I want to appreciate for the fantastic Q2A script and for the bold movement to provide it as free on online. Great ! I am big fan of Q2A, I want to modify it to as a wiki like interface, that new one can edit the existing answer and expand it more, instead of creating new answers. The contributiors pic/name (as it appeares now) want to be shown below the answer as, 'Contributors'. As I am not a PHP programmer, I reuest all of you to provide a modified PHP script to do the same. Thank you.

Same request here. I seen this functionnality on askbot (questions and answers are wiki and we can easily update, see a diff and reverse) and it is really usefull I think.

1 Answer

0 votes
Just found https://github.com/svivian/q2a-edit-history but unable to find where are revision displayed
That plugin is kind of a work in progress. Currently you can see the revisions by clicking the "edited" link by the avatar, in the phrase "edited by [username]".
There are a couple of issues I need to fix though :)
Thank Scott but there is no link on "edited by" for me...
May be it is because I am using FR translation?

Same issue with this fork https://github.com/echteinfachtv/q2a-edit-history but at least there is a revision page with all revisions.