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I tried to copy certain text inside the WYSIWYG editor and also tried to paste a link in the text box but both don't work on latest Chrome mobile (ver 71.0.3578.99), https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.chrome

I tried on Firefox mobile ver 59.0.2 and it works.
Q2A version: 1.8.2
No problem with Basic Editor though.
Here, in general, much does not work, you will not get help. Of the more than 100 plug-ins I have tested, only ten worked correctly, the rest are either useless or not working. What really needs to be implemented for users in this platform is simply ignored.
This has been asked and answered here: https://www.question2answer.org/qa/70671

@Niko If you faced 90 plugins with issues... have you contacted the developers and let them know about them?