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in Plugins by
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I had add comment voting Plugin , but it shows votes in two place for the same comment.

Could you please resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Q2A version: 1.8.1
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you don't need that plugin. this feature has been implemented in the new version of q2a. admin/viewing allow commenting on questions/answers/comments.

so you want to remove the border from the comment voting?

open donut.css file from the qa-theme/donut-theme/css and add the following code their:

.qa-c-list-item .qa-voting {

 border: none;

But I need smaller size comment voting (please see circle rounded by number-1), but not bigger in size. How to select only smaller one?
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Displaying comment voting in bigger size is by default q2a and smaller one by above Plugin.
Could you please resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.
please see the edited answer.
Thanks but its not working. Also, I think you did not get issue, I just don't want this q2a voting system on comment, I just want only by plugin: https://github.com/NoahY/q2a-comment-voting (please see circle-1 in attached above post).
that solution is for the time you remove that plugin and just using the q2a voting comment system.
If you want to disable the q2a comment system then uncheck allow voting on comments from admin/viewing
Unchecking remove both vote system and I need only plugin comment voting system.
I converte my answer to a comment. In my openion you should remove that plugin and just use the core comment voting. When both of them are enabled then vote buttons display in two places. What is the advantages of using the plugin?
Comment voting Plugin looks better (smaller in size) than default comment voting system.
I recommend not to use plugin for comment voting. Use default feature.
@ProThoughts , as comment vote in size should be less than vote size of questions/answers which is providing by above plugin, that's why want to prefer this plugin.

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