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I have developed a new plugin that deal with verified accounts. This is premium plugin for a cost of 50 USD

Basically, the plugin offer functionalities such as;

For Admins in backend:

  • Determine user verifier level
  • Allow/Disallow users to make requests for verification of their accounts.
  • Enable/Disable point-based automatic verification. Users accounts who reach determined points will be automatically verified by the plugin system.


For Users in Frontend:

  • If admins allow send verification requests, users can send request asking to verify their accounts
  • There is 30 days of EMBARGO period for verification rejected users, so that they should wait 30 days after decision time to make a new request for verification.
  • File Upload function integrated (if enabled by admin, users will need to upload jpg, png, pdf file with max.size set by admin)

if file upload enabled:

if file upload disabled:

For Admins in Frontend:

  • They can moderate (accept & reject) verification requests and remove already verified users' verifications

In Frontend for all:

  • Verification icon will appear for verified accounts in posts.
  • No need for fontawesome, jpg, png, and etc. The icon is totally fonetirized with css style.
  • At User-profile page, verification row appears for verified users with symbol, and for unverified users too.

- The user "test5" is not verified, and he is viewing his own page.

- The user "admin" is verified, and he is viewing the user profile page of other user called "demo".

- The user "admin" is verified, and he is viewing his own page.


NOTE: it can be integrated with point system (check my BonusPlus plugin) as well. Users can pay some points in order to make verification request. And users can be awarded some points if their account is successfully verified.

UPDATE1: point-based automatic verification feature has been added. Admin can enable/disable it.

UPDATE2: Verification file upload feature has been added. Admin can enable/disable it. Admin can set max.size limit. Supported file formats are images and pdf.

UPDATE3: Verification page link added into user-profile page just next to verification tab. Look picture 9-11 above.

For USER-LEVEL demo:  https://gyzgyn.com/q2a-demo
user: deneme_11 
pass: test1234

user: test9 
pass: test1234

Q2A version: q2a 1.7.5 customized
I added it following these 2 conditions:

CONDITION 1: if user is viewing own page
CONDITION 2: if user is verified

If both conditions are true, then link text is "See Verification"
If condition 1 is true, condition 2 is false, then link text is "Verify Me".
If condition 1 is false, notwithstanding condition 2, the link will not be shown.

see screenshots 9,10,11 above.
Thank you. How to buy it? It will work on Q2A 1.8 rt?
No answer, am I missing something?
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sorry I missed it. PM me for purchase options.

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