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+8 votes
in Plugins by
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Hi there,

I was working on developing online users plugin recently. Using ajax polling checks I achieve to do it. 

Plugin name: Online Plus

Price: 30 USD  new price 20 USD

How to buy: PM me please

Here how it works:

  • The plugin shows current online users
  • It checks user's status every 2 minutes using ajax polling. The online/offline timeout can be set by admin. By default it is set as 3 minutes.
  • If a user remains actionless for a certain minutes then its status goes to idle. The timeout for idle state can be set by admin. By default it is 5 minutes.
  • If a user goes idle, then ajax polling check will run every 4 minutes. It is to mitigate unnecessary poll checks within a time interval.
  • If a user logs out then s/he is deleted from the database table for online users immediately.
  • If a user closes browser without logging out then s/he is deleted from the database table within online/offline timeout. 
  • The plugin has a widget for sidebar. In order to not mess up sidebar widget where number of online users are large, the admin can set a limit for displaying users in the widget. By default this limit is set to 10.
  • And there will appear a link to "full list of online users" at the bottom of the widget once the number of online users exceeds the display limit. The link will redirect you to the plugins page where you can see all currently online users. 
  • Admin can set who can see online users.



For USER-LEVEL demo:  https://gyzgyn.com/q2a-demo

user: deneme_11   
pass: test1234

user: test9   
pass: test1234

Q2A version: q2a 1.7.5 customized

3 Answers

+1 vote

Hi esqeudero,

what is the difference between your plugin and this one: 


And does yours work with Q2A 1.8?



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that plugin does not work for me. So, I could not compare it with my plugin. I can see demo of my plugin at:  https://gyzgyn.com/q2a-demo/  

user: deneme_11    
pass: test1234

user: test9    
pass: test1234
I saw your demo, but does your Plugin work with version 1.8 of Q2A?
Thanks halfi
yes, it should work.
0 votes
Toc toc. You have a prívate message
Hi, you have disabled private messages, so i cannot reply. PM me your whatsapp, I will write you back.
Hello, I already enabled messages.
0 votes
can see and guest (visitors) unregistred users online?
there is an option in settings to allow/disallow non-logged users/quests to view online logged users