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+14 votes
in Q2A Core by
Recently I am getting a lot of spam registration every day in my website.

I have recaptcha enabled but still I get spams.

Is there any idea to solve this problem?
Q2A version: 1.8 beta2
I am getting many as well - Would love to find a solution.
Can only confirm what others are saying here: we're also getting lots of bot registrations despite the use of recaptcha.
I made a few changes to the program code to deal with bots that automatically register an account, maybe you can use it on your website, here's GitHub I mean: https://github.com/ryanbekabe/Stop-Bot-Auto-Register-Question2Answer

15 Answers

0 votes
Same issue, do any of the other spam plugins work? I looked and most of them seem to be for older versions.
I just installed https://github.com/sparticus1701/Q2A-Spammer-Checker

Not sure if it works with the current version, will report my results.
installing spammer checker stopped all spam for me.
correction it did not. Plugin seems not to be working. Its not reaching out to stopforumspam
Thank you very much
+1 vote
I have also been getting a lot of spam registrations with recaptcha enabled.  They do not make any post, answer questions or comment.  I get about 3-5 spam registerations a day.
Worst of all is garbage registers!
If they don't make any posts/answers etc then how do you know that they're spam registrations? They could be normal users who're not participating, right?
+3 votes

I found a solution with   Clean talk works through API call, and the price is like $ 10 a year.

Thanks for the tip. Just wondering if you have an update on your level of satisfaction with the service. Has CleanTalk been 100% effective for you so far? Do they have a log so you get an idea of the number of blocked spam registration, post, or comment attempts?
I have been using CleanTalk for about 2 months and I can confirm it's doing the trick for most spam. https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQue8vPX

I see Maik2 linked with an affiliate code, and I think that's fine. I gladly support him for introducing me to the first solution that has worked for my site. Here’s my link if you want to toss me some credit for this follow-up. https://cleantalk.org/?pid=434786
–4 votes
By default, WordPress websites allow for user registrations from a specific link: yoursite.com/wp-login.php?action=register.

To fix that, you can go to Settings » General.  Here you can uncheck the Membership box to make sure that no one can register on your site.
@Algoworks wordpress?
0 votes
You should use a security question check during registration time and use a question which is core related to your site or use a tricky changing question. Don't copy pest other question.  Choice a question which is not found in google only found in your site.
0 votes
I already posted this question few weeks ago. The only way to stop this to install previous version.  New version does not stop the spammers. Go back to old version which is 1.7

+1 vote
I think you better use security question to check spamer. Recapcha not work sometime.
0 votes
+3 votes

I developed a strategy for that, but it is not complete.

  1. I use captcha for user registration and message posting.
  2. I removed all the additional information from user registration, so that they cannot put links and garbage on my website. That's their goal.
  3. First comment/question is moderated (even though I don't get many fake users trying to post comments/questions)
  4. This way the fake users have always 0 points
What I really need now would be a plug-in that allows me to bulk-remove users that have been at 0 points for, say, a week (or even a plug-in that does it automatically). Anybody implementing such a plug-in would save my day!
Which would basically be a simple sql delete call for all the users at 0 points and registered for more than one week.
Actually if anybody could point me to how to best do it, I would implement it myself.
Do you still need this plugin?
Yes I still need it. :)
Maybe this plugin will do — User Manager for Question2Answer https://github.com/q2a-projects/Q2A-User-Manager
0 votes
Use Stop spam plugin.and set only one security question.

example question

what is the color of sky?
Thank you for your answer. But I would like to use Recaptcha plugin. It was working fine for three years in my website!
0 votes
Please change to https and this is all
0 votes
I have also same problem, captchta active. but ever day many bulk spam messages are publishing...