Pretty wired problem it is! I am using Bangla language in one of my ask community. I am using version 1.8.0. I was trying to answer a question which was little long in WYSIWYG editor. But when I try to submit it, It shows me a message "12000 char limit". I research on web ans try to increase the size of the varchar (12000) from database and also change QA_DB_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH in maxima.php. It does not work. Then I go back and change it into default one.
Next, I change the WYSIWYG editor to Basic editor. Now, my long question was excepted and there is no problem with it.
In my opinion the 1.8.0 version of WYSIWYG editor is too buggy. I have used 1.7.4 and there was no problem like that.
So, do you have any Idea how to solve the problem.
Also, I think 1.8.0 have some speed issue. It was fast on 1.7.4. Please let me know.