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in Q2A Core by

previously I asked many times how to set the home page shows most visited questions last determined period




then I tried to modify the file 


$navigation = array(

'recent' => array(

'label' => qa_lang('main/nav_most_recent'),

'url' => qa_path_html($request),


'hot' => array(

'label' => qa_lang('main/nav_hot'),

'url' => qa_path_html($request, array('sort' => 'hot')),


'votes' => array(

'label' => qa_lang('main/nav_most_votes'),

'url' => qa_path_html($request, array('sort' => 'votes')),


'answers' => array(

'label' => qa_lang('main/nav_most_answers'),

'url' => qa_path_html($request, array('sort' => 'answers')),


'views' => array(

'label' => qa_lang('main/nav_most_views'),

'url' => qa_path_html($request, array('sort' => 'views')),



Also I failed to do that 

Can any one provide a solution

Or any solution to make the plugin appear as page instead of widget to set it home page


Q2A version: 1.8.0 beta 2

1 Answer

0 votes
Id like to know how to do it, but at this moment Im using 'hot' page as home.
although currently I am using this options to make the question list in the hot section recent

Determination of the Hotness depends on following factors:

    Entry is new: 100 / 100
    Entry has a new answer: 0 / 100
    Entry has many answer: 0 / 100
    Entry has many up votes: 0 / 100
    Entry has many views: 3 / 100

but the list contains a questions from 2015