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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
I tried to upgrade to 1.8.1 beta

I faced many problems

really the process not easy to everyone

after many years of using q2a

upgrading made me bang my head against a wall

it kept me awake two days

and the result is that downgrading to 175

we need any developers provide emergency support for such status

such as emergency server support it is between 21 to 35 $ once different from service provider to other
Q2A version: 1.7.5
What kind of problems? Did you upgrade a live site before testing?

1 Answer

+3 votes
I tried upgrade from 175 to 1.8beta1 many time and no issues faced. Let me know what exact problem you faced. I can help you.

or setup a testing server and I can see what exact problem you are facing.
I uploaded the new version using filezilla
I found some processes  to upgrade the database tables
then  in the step 5 always the progress stopped with emerging a red error I does not remember it
I removed the content of that table that mentioned to import it later I think it was qa_iplimits
after that the error appeared for an other table