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-This Is a question.
-When there are several users sometimes it is a lot of work to verify that records are Multiple Accounts
-Are there any supplements? Some tool that prevents duplicate users with ip
Note:It would be ideal to say that only the ideal operation is just an account registered by ip

1 Answer

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Firstly you can set "Rate limit for user registrations" (in Admin > Spam) to 1 per IP/hour. Of course that still means the same IP could register 24 times a day...

I don't know of any existing plugins but you could create one without too much trouble. You'll need a filter module that uses the filter_handle function. In there get the current IP, look for any users with the same "createip" in the database. If you find any then return an error.

Thank you so much
I don't see an option for "Rate limit for user registrations" (in Admin > Spam).
@ranse well it's definitely there. If you are using a different language file then it will be named something different.