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in Plugins by
Hi, I have an existing q2a website. I wanted to create a blog for that website, so i thought of installing wordpress in a sub-folder of my q2a website. I was able to install wordpress @ myq2a.com/blog but i am facing issues with user database.

Following the steps of wordpress integration mentioned here (http://docs.question2answer.org/install/wordpress/) i was able to get the users login through the wordpress. So my new users can register with my site and everything works great for them, but the existing users cannot login to my website, reason being that their user information is still in qa_users table, which is not used after wordpress integration (wp_users is used). How do i move all the users from qa_users to wp_users so that my existing users also have un-interrupted service. Or is there a better way to sync user at this point.

I would really appreciate your help in solving this issue.
Q2A version: latest : 1.7.4
How many users are there in your Q2A site?
I have same problem. Did you find any solution please?
@ProThought tehre are 1200 users in my q2a website. can you help please?

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