I have implemented a Featured List.
Install this plugin
https://github.com/kfuchs/permission2categories and create a category called Featured and set permission level requirement to Expert+.
Create a link called Featured via Pages on the Admin panel.
Add this code (you will need to change the categoryid, this is the categoryid for Featured)
if ( qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_EXPERT && $userid == $question['userid'] && $question['categoryid'] !=82 ) {
'tags' => ' NAME="dobumpqcat" ',
'label' => 'feature',
'popup' => 'Add this question to Featured list',
elseif ( qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_EXPERT && $userid == $question['userid'] && $question['categoryid'] =82 ) {
'tags' => 'name="dobumpqcat2" onClick="alert(\'This question is featured\')"',
'label' => 'featured',
'popup' => 'This question is featured',
Above this code in page qa-include/pages/question-view.php
'style' => 'light',
'buttons' => $buttons,
Add this code (you will need to change the categoryid again)
elseif (qa_clicked('dobumpqcat')) {
'UPDATE ^posts SET categoryid=82, catidpath1=82, lastuserid=$, lastip=INET_ATON($) WHERE postid=#',
$qa_login_userid, @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $questionid
'UPDATE ^categories SET qcount=qcount+1 WHERE categoryid=82'
qa_redirect($qa_request); }
Below this code in page qa-include/pages/question-post.php
if ($question['editbutton'] || $question['retagcatbutton']) {
if (qa_clicked('q_doedit'))
qa_page_q_refresh($pagestart, 'edit-'.$questionid);
Save the following pages and upload to server:
There will now be a button on the Question page where Expert or above can click on and this will push that question into the Featured List on the main menu.