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How to allow an user to follow another user?
Q2A version: 1.7.4

1 Answer

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You can't follow users but you can favorite them. In order to do so, you need to open the user's profile and click on the star on the top right (using the SnowFlat theme). E.G. 1:

E.G. 2:

You can browse your favorited users from your profile section: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/favorites

Thanks for the  reply. Is there a way to check how many users favorited another user?
Yes. Connect to the database using an SQL client and run this query:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM qa_userfavorites
WHERE entityid = 1 AND entitytype = 'U'

Replace 1 with the user id you want to get the amount of "favoriteds" that user has. This only returns a number that represents that amount
I feel this feature should go in core. Show followers, following users on profile page.
I don't see an option to favorite a user (start on the top right of user profile) with Candy theme in my web site  http://tinyurl.com/jr6k87g. Do I have to enable a setting, or install a plugin to show this option?
The option is there in the Candy theme. It is a big heart as I showed in the image in the answer
I can see the 'Big Heart' to follow a question or category in the respective pages, but not in the  user profile page as you showed in the image. I guess something in my setting prevents the heart showing up in the profile page.
There is no setting to control that. However, if you installed your site using external users then this behaviour you're mentioning makes sense. If you did that, then it won't be possible for you to favorite users, only questions
Is there anyway to enable this for the users?  I intalled with wordpress integration.
That's a case of external users. No, there is no way to enable a setting for this in the current version of Q2A because users are not handled by Q2A itself but rather by WordPress. However, if you find a way of adapting the core to support this, you can share it in the GitHub repository. Other users will evaluate it and, if it works, I'm pretty sure it will become part of the code base