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in Q2A Core by

1 Answer

+3 votes

Yes. It might sound a little backwards but it can be done by disabling comments. The process would be something like

1. In Admin>Posting, untick "allow comments on answers" and same for questions.

2. Set up language files in qa-lang/en (or whatever your language is). See http://docs.question2answer.org/translate/ for a guide.

3. In the new language files, change "Answer" to "Comment" where applicable. (Change the value of each element in the array, not the key.) For example in qa-lang-main.php the first line would read

    '1_answer' => '1 comment',

4. Add whatever CSS styling you need to make it look more like comments. You might need to fiddle with some other options regarding voting and such too.

Now people will post what the system thinks is answers, but on the front end they appear to be comments.

I am OP.

Thanks I guess that works!!

What else do you recommend to fiddle with for this to look good?

Specifically how do you disable voting for answers (comments)
There isn't a way to disable voting entirely. But there are a couple of options.

Firstly in Admin > Viewing set "Sort answers by" to "Time" so that "comments" stay in the same order. Then do one of these:

A. On Admin > Permissions, set the voting permissions to "registered users with enough points", then set the points really high. Now no one can vote for others. You'll need to hide the voting box, either with CSS (simple) or an advanced theme (slightly more complex).

B. Alternatively, you could change the voting arrows into a simple thumbs up/down so people can still "like" them or whatever. But make the votes give no points in Admin > Points.