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+5 votes
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is there anyone know how to make a quick ask question widget .. for example below 

so if tmy user want make quick a question ,,they just writen on short question form and chose category  .. but if my member click "add detail"  they will redirect to ask a question page ,, 
is there anyone can help me ?

Q2A version: 1.7.4

1 Answer

+2 votes
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Best answer

Firstly, take a look at the documentation for making plugins: http://docs.question2answer.org/plugins/

You'll want to output a form using your widget, and make it post to your ask page, e.g.

<form method="post" action="/ask">...</form>

Don't forget you'll also need the CSRF token in the form, which you can get with qa_get_form_security_code('ask') then put in a hidden input field.

Also take a look at the code of the Ask Box widget (from /qa-include/plugins/qa-widget-ask-box.php) because that already does the "add detail" functionality that you want.

Hope that helps!

okeh thanks scott :)