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Gives users an option to hide answers by default. Only when they click on a Show button answer gets displayed. Useful for sites where users want to first try out the answer themselves.


okay. I have been using that for 2 years - but it has a very high performance issue which I never knew. So, just started by rewriting it. I changed the database structure also a bit - to ensure only scored points are stored in it. Will release this as a plugin soon. May be I'll also add a best user per week option.
That's awesome @arjunsuresh :)
Just want to ask, will you add both widget and a page to show best users per month? And would there be a way to show a preset number of users on widget and page? Means different number of users on widget and different number of users on page?
Yes, those will be there in admin menu to choose and can be changed any time also :)
If that's the case then I will definitely use it... :)

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