Edit file
Find and alter
function qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($directory)
//return md5($directory);
return basename($directory);
function qa_admin_plugin_options_path($directory)
//$hash = qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($directory);
$hash = basename($directory);
return qa_path_html('admin/plugins', array('show' => $hash), null, null, $hash);
You will now have static human-readable links for each plugin http://www.example.com/question2answer/admin/plugins?show=event-logger#event-logger
Each plugin will save options normally with no issues.
At this time, I am not aware of any side effects other than that the links do not expire and the links can be predicted.
For v 1.8.0
function qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($directory)
//$pluginManager = new Q2A_Plugin_PluginManager();
//$hashes = $pluginManager->getHashesForPlugins(array($directory));
//return reset($hashes);
return md5($directory);
Or to simply link from anywhere (Updated)
qa_path('admin/plugins', array('show' => md5("pluginName"))).'#'.md5("pluginName")