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+15 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Q2A Lovers, Get Ready...!!!

Q2A Market is coming up with very useful service for all Q2A Lovers.

Finally Questin2Answer Club is Launched

Behalf of Q2A Market, I would like to say thanks to Q2A community and all customers regardless premium or free.

We were busy with many in-house and custom development on Q2A. However, we never forget the lovely Q2A community and we were keep thinking how to help the community to grow just like a WordPress community.

When community shows their love to you, it is become the mutual/unsigned contract between You and Community to provide them a great platform to make their life easier to maintain their Q2A website.

Keeping this thought in our mind we will launch some great premium product in coming future. However, the most interesting thing is that we are coming up soon with one of the great services which will help to take the Question2Answer community to the next level.

Be here and keep watching this thread for more updates

Update 1 - To all Q2A Experts and Contributors

Get ready with your free and premium products, core or API hooks, tips and tricks, tutorials, articles and start to reform it, prepare it and pack it for the great q2a community. There are many more things are coming which will help each and every experts and contributor promote and highlight their expertise in the community.

Update 2 - We are almost there, get ready for exciting stuff

I know it's quite long to make it happen but believe me there is too many things team need to set who is working on it. Not to worry....

We are almost there and hoping to launch by this weekend. So everyone gets ready for really exciting stuff.

Thank you, I am waiting .....
Update 1.... read the question ...
Congrats to all, finally the new community is launched. :)
waaw,, new forum for q2a lovers, sound interesting :D

1 Answer

+1 vote
wow! Can You tell us something more, please? ;) New plugin ? :) Huge interested :D
Plugins and Themes will come in near future BUT this is going to be more HELPFUL to the entire community than just an individually.
wow, cool ! Release date? :)