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in Q2A Core by
Everytime the user post an idea or comment for the second attempt consecutively all the buttons are diappearing. Is there any temporary solution for this ?

This is becoming a bit of serious problem for me and it appears to be urgent to resolve this.

Scott mentioned this is due to ajax load followed by a regular page refresh where buttons are disabled. Can someone direct me how to fix this temporarily?
submitting an answer /comment is causing this issue. can someone help ?

1 Answer

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If you want a quick hack then it's possible you could change this in the qa_page_q_post_rules function. There are various array keys like $rules['answerbutton'] that determine whether the buttons are viewed.

At the end of the function before the return, you could set

$rules['answerbutton'] = true;

$rules['commentbutton'] = true;

Which should keep them visible. Note that it might mess with the other logic, like showing buttons to logged-out users (they wouldn't be able to actually comment though).