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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

In japanese, there are no space between words, so this search engline can't pick up any words and but only words in tags.

I found the following Q&A

Q2A converts text into words (for searching) based on separating out words by word delimiters, like spaces (obviously), commas, quote marks, etc...

You can see the full set used at the top of qa-util-string.php, in the constant QA_PREG_INDEX_WORD_SEPARATOR and also in the mapping $qa_utf8punctuation which converts UTF-8 punctuation characters.

In the case of Chinese and similar languages, there are no word delimiters per se, but rather each multibyte (UTF-8) character is essentially a separate word.

 I don't know what exactly how I do that. It wound very much appreciate if someone write me a code and tell me where I put it on which file.

One of the usrs wrote the following code but it seems to be problem because of slowness.

That is what he did:

open qa-include/qa-db-selects.php file and go to qa_db_search_posts_selectspec() function.

Just before below line ( almost end of function )
if ($selectparts==0)
add this lines
if (!empty($handlewords)) {
$aaa = implode($handlewords);}
{$aaa = $handlewords;}
$selectspec['source'].=($selectparts++ ? " UNION ALL " : "").
"(SELECT postid AS questionid, 0 AS score, _utf8 'Q' AS matchposttype, postid AS matchpostid FROM ^posts JOIN ^users WHERE (^posts.title like _utf8 '%".$aaa."%' OR ^posts.content like _utf8 '%".$aaa."%' ) AND type='Q' )";

This will work fine, except if your database starts containing a large amount of content, in which case it could become quite slow.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, I did see them but couldn't know what I should.

I saw one way to take care of this problem but my site will probably become slow.

If you solved this problem, please teach me where to put what code.
+3 votes

I have the same problem too. I searched and found that Q2A 1.7.0 has already add a space between 2 Kanji for Japanese sentence. And it make search result to be awfully very bad.

So I add some code to qa_string_to_words() function in qa_include/util/string.php


/*  remove this because japanese word can contain 1 or more kanji. Replace this code with these below
            if ($splitideographs) // put spaces around CJK ideographs so they're treated as separate words
                $string=preg_replace('/'.QA_PREG_CJK_IDEOGRAPHS_UTF8.'/', ' \0 ', $string);
            //split を = (\p{3092})
            $string=preg_replace("/(\x{3092})/u", ' \1 ', $string);
            //split れ[る|た] = (\p{308c}[\p{308b}|\p{305f}])
            $string=preg_replace("/(\x{308c}[\x{308b}|\x{305f}])/u", '\1 ', $string);
            //split の = (\p{306e})
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Han})(\x{306e})(\p{Han})/u", '\1 \2 \3', $string);
            //split は = (\p{306f})
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Han})(\x{306f})(\p{Han})/u", '\1 \2 \3', $string);
            //split が = (\p{304c})
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Han})(\x{304c})(\p{Han})/u", '\1 \2 \3', $string);

            //split not kanji and kanji
            $string=preg_replace("/(\P{Han})(\p{Han})/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Han})(?=\P{Han})(\P{Hiragana})/u", '\1 \2', $string);

            //split katakana and not katakana
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Katakana})(?=\P{Katakana})(?=[^\x{30fc}])/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            $string=preg_replace("/(?=[^\x{30fc}])(\P{Katakana})(\p{Katakana})/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            //split Hiragana and katakana, romaji
            $string=preg_replace("/(\p{Hiragana})(\P{Hiragana})/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            //$string=preg_replace("/([a-zA-z0-9])(\p{Hiragana})/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            $string=preg_replace("/(?=\P{Han})(\P{Hiragana})(\p{Hiragana})/u", '\1 \2', $string);
            // removing Japanese punctions
            $string=preg_replace("/[\x{3000}-\x{3004}]|[\x{3008}-\x{303f}]|\x{30fb}|[\x{ff00}-\x{ff0f}]|[\x{ff1a}-\x{ff20}]|[\x{ff3b}-\x{ff40}]|[\x{ff5b}-\x{ff65}]|[\x{ffa0}-\x{ffef}]/u", ' ', $string); // remove apostrophes in words


Here is my page: Kiwidic.com Japanese - Vietnamese dictionary

I think it is not the best but the result is improved alot.

P.S remember to reindex DB after modify this function

That's really unfortunate. Google's CLOUD NATURAL LANGUAGE (CNL) API seems to be working properly. But, usage fee is very expensive · · ·

Example sentence:
Anh Tuấn viết được chữ Hán. トゥアンさんは漢字を書けます。

Analysis result in Google CNL-API.
There seems to be such an API. It is "Japanese Keyword Extraction API" by Goo labs.
I pray for your reference.
thanks for your kindly help, sama55. But I also found that, for every search results, Q2A will call qa_string_to_words() at least once. So every time I search (which have many results), it will take several request to yahoo or any api provider. That will reduce search performance a lot.
So I will try another approach. Anyway, at the moment, using regular expression seems work well.
If it can be realized with regular expressions, it is good. Divided words have a great influence on the search feature. When the sentence is not correctly divided, search result is not narrowed down correctly. It is recommended to test search feature well. I expect that good results will be obtained.