on page /qa-shortcode-layer.php
After the line of
//country detection
function country()
$country_code = trim(file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/country"));
function shortcode_replace($text) {
foreach($this->shortcodes as $sc) {
if(!$sc['t']) {
// remove tags
preg_match_all('/<[^>]+>/', $text, $tags);
$idx = 0;
while(preg_match('/<[^>]*[^>0-9][^>]*>/',$text) > 0)
$text = preg_replace('/<[^>]*[^>0-9][^>]*>/', '<'.($idx++).'>', $text,1);
// replace shortcode
$text = preg_replace($sc['s'],$sc['r'],$text);
$text = str_replace($sc['s'],$sc['r'],$text);
if(!$sc['t']) {
// restore tags
foreach($tags[0] as $idx => $tag) {
$text = str_replace('<'.$idx.'>',$tag,$text);
if ($country_code = "BD" ) {
return $text;
echo "I Want to print a message only for my contry. but if i add some lines All the short code page answer was hide, now what can i do ";
I add some code colored as red. I want to show a message using short code on some Answers. only for my country. And other country cannot show this. But when i using it others country's visitor cannot show answers, they show a blank answers field. now what can i do? only shows echo""; but answer cannot show