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in Q2A Core by

Loading my site is very slow , is there any idea that my site be fast loading ?

This is the website address Q2A I  http://laporpolisi.com



seems a slow database for me. Where is it hosted?
Host rumahwe.com

1 Answer

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Do you have the site running on localhost? Is it faster there?

Also do you have many IPs blocked? In 1.7 that can slow down the site a bit (will be fixed for 1.8).

Besides that it could be any number of things such as MySQL. Try changing the optimize options at the bottom of qa-config.php. If your MySQL server is on the same machine as the web server, set QA_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_DB to true and QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB to false. If the MySQL server is on a different machine, set the opposite (false and true).
Scott, in my site Q2A, moderation was causing the slowness.