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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
Wondering if any of you can help.
I have a q2a website which was running fine but suddenly its showing weird error.
So the site here www.ecommquery.com is showing some strange codes but if u go to internal pages it works ok http://www.ecommquery.com/83/importing-product-order-from-multiple-ebay-shop-into-magento?show=119

And the whole site works ok if you are logged in.

Can you please help as to how to fix it.
Hello Sumit Kaushal, I just visited your website and everything seems just fine to me. There was not code showing to me. Can you upload an image of the problem that you are facing??
edited by
Please visit www.ecommquery.com not the internal pages.
here is the screenshot http://imgur.com/xAI1JdO


2 Answers

+1 vote

I do not know the cause, but your site seems to be a fatal problem. I have found one rule for that your HTML code is garbled. It is "URL parameter". This applies to all pages of your site. Is your .htaccess and qa-config.php correct?

Not sure if they are correct:

DirectoryIndex index.php

RewriteEngine On

#RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$
RewriteRule . %1/%2 [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php?qa-rewrite=$0&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]



    Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan


    File: qa-config-example.php
    Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
    Description: After renaming, use this to set up database details and other stuff

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php


    define('QA_MYSQL_HOSTNAME', 'localhost'); // try '' or 'localhost' if MySQL on same server
    define('QA_MYSQL_USERNAME', 'xxxxxxx');
    define('QA_MYSQL_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxxxx');
    define('QA_MYSQL_DATABASE', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx');
    Ultra-concise installation instructions:
    1. Create a MySQL database.
    2. Create a MySQL user with full permissions for that database.
    3. Rename this file to qa-config.php.
    4. Set the above four definitions and save.
    5. Place all the Question2Answer files on your server.
    6. Open the appropriate URL, and follow the instructions.

    More detailed installation instructions here: http://www.question2answer.org/


    QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX will be added to table names, to allow multiple datasets in a single
    MySQL database, or to include the Question2Answer tables in an existing MySQL database.

    define('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX', 'qa_');
    If you wish, you can define QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX separately from QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX.
    If so, it is used instead of QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX as the prefix for tables containing
    information about user accounts (not including users' activity and points). This allows
    multiple Q2A sites to have shared logins and users, but separate posts and activity.

    define('QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX', 'qa_users_');

    If you wish, you can define QA_COOKIE_DOMAIN so that any cookies created by Q2A are assigned
    to a specific domain name, instead of the full domain name of the request by default. This is
    useful if you're running multiple Q2A sites on subdomains with a shared user base.
    define('QA_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.example.com'); // be sure to keep the leading period

    If you wish, you can define an array $QA_CONST_PATH_MAP to modify the URLs used in your Q2A site.
    The key of each array element should be the standard part of the path, e.g. 'questions',
    and the value should be the replacement for that standard part, e.g. 'topics'. If you edit this
    file in UTF-8 encoding you can also use non-ASCII characters in these URLs.
        'questions' => 'topics',
        'categories' => 'sections',
        'users' => 'contributors',
        'user' => 'contributor',

    Set QA_EXTERNAL_USERS to true to use your user identification code in qa-external/qa-external-users.php
    This allows you to integrate with your existing user database and management system. For more details,
    consult the online documentation on installing Question2Answer with single sign-on.
    The constants QA_EXTERNAL_LANG and QA_EXTERNAL_EMAILER are deprecated from Q2A 1.5 since the same
    effect can now be achieved in plugins by using function overrides.
    define('QA_EXTERNAL_USERS', false);

    Out-of-the-box WordPress 3.x integration - to integrate with your WordPress site and user
    database, define QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH as the full path to the WordPress directory
    containing wp-load.php. You do not need to set the QA_MYSQL_* constants above since these
    will be taken from WordPress automatically. See online documentation for more details.
    define('QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH', '/home3/lovecak1/public_html/ecommquery/connect/');

    Some settings to help optimize your Question2Answer site's performance.
    If QA_HTML_COMPRESSION is true, HTML web pages will be output using Gzip compression, if
    the user's browser indicates this is supported. This will increase the performance of your
    site, but may make debugging harder if PHP does not complete execution.
    QA_MAX_LIMIT_START is the maximum start parameter that can be requested, for paging through
    long lists of questions, etc... As the start parameter gets higher, queries tend to get
    slower, since MySQL must examine more information. Very high start numbers are usually only
    requested by search engine robots anyway.
    If a word is used QA_IGNORED_WORDS_FREQ times or more in a particular way, it is ignored
    when searching or finding related questions. This saves time by ignoring words which are so
    common that they are probably not worth matching on.
    Set QA_ALLOW_UNINDEXED_QUERIES to true if you don't mind running some database queries which
    are not indexed efficiently. For example, this will enable browsing unanswered questions per
    category. If your database becomes large, these queries could become costly.

    Set QA_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_DB to true if your web server and MySQL are running on the same box.
    When viewing a page on your site, this will use many simple MySQL queries instead of fewer
    complex ones, which makes sense since there is no latency for localhost access.
    Set QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB to true if your web server and MySQL are far enough apart to
    create significant latency. This will minimize the number of database queries as much as
    is possible, even at the cost of significant additional processing at each end.
    Set QA_PERSISTENT_CONN_DB to true to use persistent database connections. Only use this if
    you are absolutely sure it is a good idea under your setup - generally it is not.
    For more information: http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.persistent-connections.php
    Set QA_DEBUG_PERFORMANCE to true to show detailed performance profiling information at the
    bottom of every Question2Answer page.

    define('QA_HTML_COMPRESSION', false);
    define('QA_MAX_LIMIT_START', 19999);
    define('QA_IGNORED_WORDS_FREQ', 10000);
    define('QA_ALLOW_UNINDEXED_QUERIES', false);
    define('QA_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_DB', false);
    define('QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB', false);
    define('QA_PERSISTENT_CONN_DB', false);
    define('QA_DEBUG_PERFORMANCE', false);
    And lastly... if you want to, you can predefine any constant from qa-db-maxima.php in this
    file to override the default setting. Just make sure you know what you're doing!

    Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output

See if you can find a fix

Do you use WordPress integration?
define('QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH', '/home3/lovecak1/public_html/ecommquery/connect/');
If you comment out it, what happens?
+1 vote
edited by

The home page is returning a Content-Type of text/html but the other pages are turning text/html; charset=utf-8 so I think it may be something to do with the encoding.

Do you have the option QA_HTML_COMPRESSION set to true? Try setting it to false and see if it fixes it.

Maybe it's theme related. Does the site work with a different theme, e.g. Classic?

Do you have any core modifications?

I tried changing the theme- but it still doesn't work.
I tried setting QA_HTML_COMPRESSION to false , still no luck
No modification.

Thanks for your help