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in Q2A Core by
i'm going to add static frontend to my site and want to move my current installation to subdomain, how to do that ?

i mean i can see that there is way, moving current files to another folder but this will break database and URLs.. so is it possible to get backup of curent qna and install new setup on folder and then run this database file ? okay i got confused with all this...there is definitely something else than that...


help please.

1 Answer

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You shouldn't need to change much. You can still point to the same database.

But you may need to upload the files to a different place, depending on how subdomains work with your hosting. Sometimes you can point the subdomain at the subfolder on your current site, but sometimes you need to use a separate hosting account.

The URLs should all be fine since Q2A uses relative URLs mostly. You can also change the domain name in the admin panel.