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+3 votes
in Plugins by
I know that sounds like a bizarre question but I run a software code snippet site and the existing system works by users posting code snippets for other users to use and uploading example projects where they desire.

So I would like to create a page where the user can ask a question like "How do I convert integer to boolean" and then be able to answer it with the code snippet themselves.

This will be on a new page as I want to keep the core as is for other members just to ask questions as normal.

This is all new to me so any help would be appreciated.
Q2A version: 1.7

2 Answers

0 votes

It seems you need something like to allow your users to write blog posts . 

This Q2A Blog Tool plugin (non-free) does the same work . Take a look at here - 


Demo is here - http://blogdemo.q2astore.com/blogs

Sort of but, I want the question and answer posted and displayed as any other question and answer would be. What I really need is a form which has

Subject: [User enters the subject which is essentially the question]
Snippet: [User enters their code snippet which is essentially the answer]

however they do all this in one form, they don't have to ask a question and then on the other page add the answer.
There no such options in q2a core or no plugins made for this requirement . For this one costum plugin might help which can restrict the other users to put answers and show the answer form right on the ask form . A custom plugin might help in this case .
+1 vote

As I see it, all you need to do is to tick the Allow users to answer their own question in the admin/posting section.
