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+1 vote
in Plugins by
Hi all,

i use my Q2A for a support side seperate to my company side .. the support side is only for my cutomers and i like more privat mode pro user ..

------ my wish --- idea ----- question ------

the way ..:

a user is new and register on my support side (only email is allowed!) email: test1@test.de pw:test123 .. so now give automatic create a new folder in personal stage: category: test1@test.de (the cat name can change later) .. this category become automatic a password for view this ..this password is the password from user (test123) the admin have no password he see all categorys..!

this way i find verry nice for make more privat mode .. a user what buy my product dont like to see what i write to a other user + give many personal date ..this not good for see public .. or see all other customers..

i hope you like the idea not only for me .. for all company sides or private peoples .. ;)

i hope you can help me for make the idea real .. or give it a plugin what can this ?


What is the reason must be folder? (Why should not in the database)
What is the purpose of making a private category?
I have built private sites for many companies as chief engineer.
I am making many plugins for companies, large-scale site and professional users.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Though it is a good idea for making private posts . But This feature is not available in q2a core . 

I guess a plugin can help in this if this is developed in below way . 

  1. when a user registers create a new category and assign the permission to the same user 
  2. when user visits a category or post then check the permission first then load the page . If he dont have permission then show an error message (only if he is not a admin) . 
  3. While listing the Categories the permission need to checked and the categories those dont have permission should be removed from the list in the category page 


Hope this helps 

PS : This is just an overview how it needs to be done . I guess the complexity is more than it is said  . 



