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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Which editor is light weight and you recomend using with a heavy traffic site?
Q2A version: 1.6.3

1 Answer

0 votes
Definitely: http://www.q2apro.com/plugins/sceditor

See video for performance differences to CKEditor:

Thank you...
One question, can people link images from this editor (link or embed an image from another website)????
Yes, you just set up the according button in the admin panel: "image". There you can enter the link to the image which gets displayed as image.
Last question is this going to be compatable with new version 1.7....?
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Yes, it is. Even with the new Snowflat theme.

Just try the free ad-based version, and if you are satisfied, get the premium ads-free version.
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I have just purchased the plugin, but my site email and PayPal email are different....
Then after paying the amount your site is telling me that:

PayPal transfer successful
wrong ID - nothing here

Please fix the problem and let me know ASAP, I can download the plugin...

Also, I could not find the code for link image addition, please let me know the code that I can add to the plugin?
Download enabled 2 hours ago. Thanks for your purchase.

To add the image go to admin>plugins>sceditor, click on options. Then at "Toolbar buttons" add in the end or where you like: image

Toolbar buttons could be: "bold,italic,underline|color|blockquote,orderedlist,bulletlist|link,table|youtube|image|source"

More questions? Please post them in the q2apro support forum: http://www.q2apro.com/forum/

Kind regards,
Hi Kai,
Thank you, but I am having a little problem with question edit screen...
Something wrong with your editor..!

When I click to edit a question, category drop down freezes...
Category drop down become nonfictional for 20 - 30 seconds

I do not have this problem with any other editor...
Do not worry I have double checked everything...

I have turned the ckeditor4 back on: NO PROBLEM
I have turned the basic editor on: NO PROBLEM
I have turned the WYSIWYG on: NO PROBLEM

Only and only your editor is freezing the drop down category list on question edit screen....

It freezes drop down after drop down download complete... 20 - 30 seconds it is nonfunctional...

I have switched editor to my old editor until you fix this problem
Will fix it as soon as I know your site where I can test it to find the - as it sounds - javascript error. Please send me a private message with the link to your site plus a test login, thank you.
Ok i will send a message to your site email...

Also, I have narrowed down to IE 11.
It does not happen on Firefox of Chrome...
Well, IE was and is always buggy... ;)