I keep getting this message every time I try to post a question on my new Q2A page. Has anyone ran into this problem before?
Question2Answer query failed:
SELECT qa_posts.postid, qa_posts.categoryid, qa_posts.type, LEFT(qa_posts.type,1) AS basetype, INSTR(qa_posts.type, '_HIDDEN')>0 AS hidden, qa_posts.acount, qa_posts.selchildid, qa_posts.upvotes, qa_posts.downvotes, BINARY qa_posts.title AS title, BINARY qa_posts.tags AS tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(qa_posts.created) AS created, qa_uservotes.vote AS uservote, qa_posts.userid, qa_posts.cookieid, INET_NTOA(qa_posts.createip) AS createip, qa_userpoints.points, qa_users.flags AS flags, BINARY qa_users.email AS email, BINARY qa_users.handle AS handle, qa_users.avatarblobid AS avatarblobid, qa_users.avatarwidth AS avatarwidth, qa_users.avatarheight AS avatarheight, score, matchparts FROM qa_posts LEFT JOIN qa_uservotes ON qa_posts.postid=qa_uservotes.postid AND qa_uservotes.userid=_utf8 '2' LEFT JOIN qa_users ON qa_posts.userid=qa_users.userid LEFT JOIN qa_userpoints ON qa_posts.userid=qa_userpoints.userid JOIN (SELECT questionid, SUM(score)+LOG(questionid)/1000000 AS score, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(':', matchposttype, matchpostid, ROUND(score,3))) AS matchparts FROM ((SELECT postid AS questionid, LOG(10000/titlecount) AS score, _utf8 'Q' AS matchposttype, postid AS matchpostid FROM qa_titlewords JOIN qa_words ON qa_titlewords.wordid=qa_words.wordid WHERE word IN (_utf8 'test',_utf8 'question') AND titlecount<10000)) x GROUP BY questionid ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0,500) y ON qa_posts.postid=y.questionid
Error 1248: Every derived table must have its own alias