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+17 votes
in Plugins by
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Hello all , 

I have bundled a version of CK editor which has capability of providing cool features of Code editing , which named as Qa Express Editor 

Demo  .---  http://qademo.interviewcrackers.com/ask  (this is a demo site on my dev server )

You can download it here - https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-express-editor 

You might need syntax highlighters for highlighting the code . Here is one for you - http://www.question2answer.org/qa/37512/ 

Another example - http://qademo.interviewcrackers.com/5/code-editor-for-q2a-ready-for-testing 

sample output with a cool syntax highlighting - 

It also has many inbuilt themes for costumizing . It is a FREE Editor . Feel free to test it on the server and let me know if there is any issues . 


Hope it helps . 

Cheers !!

Q2A version: 1.6.3

I am new to Q2A and really not able to figure out how to install the these plugins.

Please help.
please give me the link i canĀ“t find it

thanks in advance
thanks man... you're awesome...

3 Answers

0 votes
V1.0 has been released and it is free
+1 vote
Thanks good plugin can you make good themes as well ?
edited by
As I am working for q2a in my free time . I dont have enough time for a theme development . May be I will try in future . Thanks
0 votes
Thanks ...! It really helped me