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Hi, I want to change the maximum amount of characters of an answer, is it possible? If I change it will it give any problem?
Q2A version: 1.6.3

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can expand size limit by following operation.

  1. Expand field size of table with phpMyAdmin (e.g. qa_posts::content)
  2. Change define value of qa-include/qa-db-maxima.php

Example code:

//@define('QA_DB_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH', 8000);
@define('QA_DB_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH', 16000);
I think that there is not the processing-like problem. However, because traffic increases, display performance of page and form might some deteriorate.
nice sama great answer
and thanks ZePaulo i dont know there is a limit for number of characters^_^
hi sama i can help you in translate your plugin for arabic and rtl direction
if you want.
Thanks ali1979. As for my most plugin, language is separated from processing.
1. Copy language file under "lang" folder from qa-xxx-lang-default.php to qa-xxx-lang-ar.php
2. Translate (edit) all phrases with text editor
3. Save translated file without BOM (Byte Order Mark)
4. Test all phrases
5. Send translated file to me with email
6. I will include translated file to my plugin files


If you translated only some phrases, as for the phrases which are not translated, English is displayed. However, it is wished that you translate all.