[2015/02/21] Since usage of this plugin is a little difficult, I will add usage (Thanks Lucas).
This plugin collect pages that have same URL prefix, and add links to sub navigation on each pages.
Admin panel:

Page view (Sub navigation):

Usage [2015/02/21 added]
- You have to decide "URL prefix" of grouped documents. And set it to plugin option.
E.g.: "docs-"
- Make new (first) static page with URL which has same prefix in "admin" > "Pages" > "Add page".
Position: "No link"
Visible for: Any
URL: "docs-first-page" (You can change URL after making)
- Make new link to first page in "admin" > "Pages" > "Add link".
Position: Any
Visible for: Any
URL of link: "docs-first-page"
- Make 2nd page in procedure same as No.2 ...
URL: "docs-second-page"
- Make 3rd page in procedure same as No.2 ...
- ...
When pages with same URL-prefix are displayed, sub navigation of those pages will be displayed together.
1.6.x, 1.7 (2014/12/19 Updated)
When you add many documents and help pages to Q2A, this plugin will be helpful.
Real example: FlexArmor1 documents
Have fun !!