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in Q2A Core by
Some configuration in Q2A admin could make a difference between basic and approved levels.

Apart from there configurations, is there any core difference in permissons for these two level?
Q2A version: 1.6.2

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi JalalJaberi, 

i'm not sure for that but maybe about the permissions level.

When you log at administrator, go to Permission. You can see differents levels and differents options. So if i select some options with " Registered user with email confirmed " i think the simple registered user can't access to the options seleted.


1. Answering questions: Registered user with email confirmed 
2. Adding comments: Registered user 

Than, the Registered user can only add comment, but not autorized to Answer a questions
Maybe someone can confirme this 
Cordially Claude



Thank you for your answer. I mentioned that case of use in question. I was searching about core uses don't need to be configured manually