After installing the markdown editor with LaTex
writing math worked nicely, until I tried to use the
environment , for example as in this question:
Looking at $5D$ Kaluza-Klein theory, the Kaluza-Klein metric is given by
g_{mn} = \left(
g_{\mu\nu} & g_{\mu 5} \\
g_{5\nu} & g_{55} \\
where $g_{\mu\nu}$ corresponds to the ordinary four dimensional metric and $g_{\mu 5}$ is the ordinary four dimensional Maxwell gauge field, $g_{55}$ is the dilaton field.
As there is one dilaton for one extra dimension, I naively would expect that the zero mass states of closed string theory, which can be written as
\sum\limits_{I.J} R_{I.J} a_1^{I\dagger} \bar{a}_1^{I\dagger} ¦p^{+},\vec{p}_T \rangle
and the square matrix $R_{I.J}$ can be separated into a symmetric traceless part corresponding to the graviton field, an antisymmetric part corresponding to a generalized Maxwell gauge field, and the trace which corresponds to the dilaton field.
Why is there only one dilaton field given by the trace of $R_{I.J}$, instead of $22$ dilaton fields corresponding to $22$ extra dimensions of closed string theory which has critical dimension $D = 26$? For example, why are there not $22$ dilaton fields needed to parameterize the shape of the 22 extra dimensions if they are compactified?
In the preview, all of the math compiles apart from the fact that the array is displayed as a single column instead of a 2x2 matrix.
When posting the question, all of the maths get scrampled up.
Howver, looking at the edit history by applying this plug-in
all the maths works including the matrix.
What can be done about this bug?