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in Plugins by

I've installed Q2A-Akismet-Plugin-v2b3, on q2a 1.6.2.

I've done some tests to better understand its behaviour.

I've used some typical spam comments intercepted by akismets ( see here : http://allyouneedislists.com/technology/10-awesome-spam-comments-intercepted-by-akismet )

Akismet detects these comments as spam when I use them inside comments or inside answers.

If I use them inside questions they are not detected as spam.

I do not want to discuss about Akismet's algorithms, but I've not been able to see *1* question been intercepted and moderated by the plugin.

Any suggestions ?

Do you have an example of a "spammy question" ?





Q2A version: 1.6.2

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