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in Q2A Core by

Need a bit more information. Is this small piece of text relating to the question? Relating to the vote? Or just a piece of text that will look the same on every page? It really depends, but I will place my method for making similar changes as an answer.
I want to place a block facebook like

2 Answers

0 votes
To make changes to a page:

Step 1) View the source of your current working page you want to change. Try and find a unique word/code around the area you want to add stuff. For example if the source code of the working page has the word 'custom-stylesheet23' near it, then this is something  that will be unique and not repeated everywhere through the code.

Step 2) Download the version of Q2A you are using and save it in a folder.

Step 3) Using a GREP program (Google is your friend here) search for the word you found in step 1.

Step 4) Add the text to the Q2A code and save the changes to a working site to test.

If you are unsure of how to perform these steps then you probably don't have the current ability to do this change yourself. Either look into further training for editing code or see if there is someone willing to implement this for you.
Want to realize everything through qa-theme.php
0 votes

No one knows how to put a piece of code in place of the picture?

I don't have the time right now to figure it out in your place, but you can just take a look at qa-theme-base.php in the qa-include folder and find the place where the voting boxes are outputted. You take a good method to override, put it in qa-theme.php and change it according to your wishes.